Invest Smart: Using Life Insurance for Real Estate Purchases
Maximize Investments: Leveraging Life Insurance for Real Estate Purchases – Tips on Using Whole Life Insurance to Buy Real Estate Properties.
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Netus tempus vivamus. Aute explicabo tempore dolor animi laborum, in! Nisi, nascetur.
Netus tempus vivamus. Aute explicabo tempore dolor animi laborum, in! Nisi, nascetur.
Netus tempus vivamus. Aute explicabo tempore dolor animi laborum, in! Nisi, nascetur.
Netus tempus vivamus. Aute explicabo tempore dolor animi laborum, in! Nisi, nascetur.
Quod possimus mollit wisi repellat ad dolores itaque occaecati interdum, fusceurna! Quo, condimentum? Odit hic nostrud similique hic, eu, placerat, tristique, pariatur laboris, habitasse. Rhoncus sollicitudin amet laoreet.
Quod possimus mollit wisi repellat ad dolores itaque occaecati interdum, fusceurna! Quo, condi mentum.
Quod possimus mollit wisi repellat ad dolores itaque occaecati interdum, fusceurna! Quo, condi mentum.
Congue quis aspernatur. Officiis urna quos, esse ornare nesciunt nisi! Rutrum facilisi magna quas mauris.
Congue quis aspernatur. Officiis urna quos, esse ornare nesciunt nisi! Rutrum facilisi magna quas mauris.
Congue quis aspernatur. Officiis urna quos, esse ornare nesciunt nisi! Rutrum facilisi magna quas mauris.
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Quod possimus mollit wisi repellat ad dolores itaque occaecati interdum, fusce urna! Quo, condi mentum? Odit hic nostrud similique hic, eu, placera.
Quod possimus mollit wisi repellat ad dolores itaque occaecati interdum, fusce urna! Quo, condi mentum? Odit hic nostrud similique hic, eu, placera.
Maximize Investments: Leveraging Life Insurance for Real Estate Purchases – Tips on Using Whole Life Insurance to Buy Real Estate Properties.
What is the Infinite Banking Concept, and How Can it Help Business Owners
Quod possimus mollit wisi repellat ad dolores itaque occaecati interdum, fusce urna! Quo, condimentum? Odit hic nostrud similique hic, eu, placerat, tristique, pariatur laboris, habitasse. Rhoncus sollicitudin amet laoreet minim ad volutpat. Tellus tempora debitis minim ad.
R and D Tax Credits are not just for big pharma anymore. Excel Empire have recovered R and D credits for Electricians, HVAC, Pavement and Roofing companies. Don’t use a marketing firm to do your R&D studies! That is right most CPA’s and or firms do not actually do the R&D study. Instead they farm them out to firms like ours who have then pay thousands of dollars to them for the introduction. Go straight to the source and use Excel Empire for your R&D credits and we will even amend your tax returns using our in-house CPA Firm.
Excel Empire-Introduces Advance AI
Software that makes identifying your
R and D Credits easy!
At Excel Empire, we know you are experts at what you do but when it comes to applying for your Research and Development Tax Credits it is like a foreign language. That is why we have been helping businesses navigate through the opportunities of tax credits for years. This year alone we have helped clients receive nearly half a billion in Tax Credits. Your current CPA is good at helping file your taxes in a timely manner, but when was the last time they told you, “I have an idea that is going to put over $100,000 in your pocket this year!” At Excel Empire, we have trained professionals who adhere to the IRS guidelines and tie down each and every opportunity to your business documentation. We know this is not your expertise, and we also know this is not your CPA’s expertise, so let us do all the work and we will let you know if you qualify for R and D Tax Credits. What is the cost to find out? Schedule a call, and you will not pay anything until you know that you qualify and we are ready to submit for your recovery.
First off, your CPA is first and foremost a tax preparation professional. Many have ventured into other services like Financial or Retirement Planning but when it comes to Research and Development Tax Credits they farm out your study costing you thousands more in finders fees. At Excel Empire we have coordinated multiple divisions to work with you, the business owner, so you don’t have a hodge-podge of ideas and unimplemented strategies. This coordinated approach allows our team to make sure our strategies are the right strategies for your goals and objectives.
We’ve streamlined the process with technology and highly trained people. You show up to the Discovery Meeting and our Trained Tax Credit Representatives will guide you through the entire process – all the while helping educate you on the many opportunities that have been escaping you for years.
We are not a one trick pony organization. Here at Excel Empire, our teams are trained to look at all the opportunities before you and help you decide which one is right for you and your company. Recently a vineyard came to us to find out if they qualified for ERTC credit. They did, but our team went ahead and ran the numbers for R and D, and the Credits for R and D far exceeded the amount the vineyard owner would have received from ERTC.
Let’s face it. There are dozens of Tax Credit organizations trying to tell you that you qualify, but they don’t take the time to educate you so that you understand why you are getting the credits. Not only do we want to educate you and walk alongside you throughout the entire process, we will be with you if the need ever arises to defend your position at no additional cost.
Get Started
Are you ready to save more of your client’s bottom line by taking a long term view?
“Research and development represents the initial phase of the larger product development process, which also includes designing, testing, manufacturing, launching, and marketing products for sale.”
“”I just began with Excel Empire and boy am I glad I did. I just received $424,838 for the Employee Retention Credit. Initially I was introduced to the credit by a Excel Empire Advisor. I went back to my CPA and he said that I did not qualify. My CPA just called me and shared that after much research, he believes I would qualify for ERTC. I told him thanks but I have already received my credits from Excel Empire. Next step is a full blown tax plan for me and a new CPA.“
“To good to be true? Yes I waited over a year to sign up with Excel Empire and when I did the first thing they did was put $134K in my pocket. While I was coming to have them initiate a tax plan, they asked a few more questions and recommended that I start the tax credit process. My old CPA was a nice CPA and I don’t burn bridges but I have outgrown someone just putting the right numbers in the right box. Things take longer when you are doing planning instead of just getting your taxes done, but it is my single most biggest return on investment in my business. Excel Empire is estimating they will save me 64K this year in taxes! I am a believer in this to good to be true team. I thank God for making me aware of Excel Empire. On my first call I knew there was something different about this tax group and it doesn’t take long to see they are ethical in the way they treat you and your business. I have a plan now where before all I had was a tax due date!